Sep 24, 2024  
2019-2020 Academic Calendar Mount Royal University 
2019-2020 Academic Calendar Mount Royal University [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


To search for scheduled classes by term, use the Class Schedule.



  • ECOL 2219 - Aquatic Ecology

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    Lab Hour(s): 3

    The study of the structure and function of aquatic ecosystems is undertaken in this course. There is an emphasis on freshwater systems. The goal is to understand how physical, chemical, biological and anthropogenic factors influence population dynamics and community structure in aquatic ecosystems. Laboratory and field research methods used in aquatic ecology are introduced. Current literature and case studies in various areas of aquatic ecology will be critically reviewed. Aquatic biodiversity issues and sustainability issues are emphasized. The interactions and integration of industrial systems with natural aquatic systems will also be reviewed.

    Prerequisite(s): ECOL 1111  or consent of the department.
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule


  • ECON 1101 - Principles of Microeconomics

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Blended, Online, Lecture
    Lab Hour(s): 1

    This course examines how individuals, firms, and governments allocate scarce resources. Market, firm, and society choices are examined using the principles of consumption and production under the following market structures: perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly, and monopolistic competition. These principles form the basis for analyzing the decision-making processes associated with contemporary microeconomics issues.

    GNED Cluster 3 - Tier 2

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ECON 1103 - Principles of Macroeconomics

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Blended, Online, Lecture
    Lab Hour(s): 1

    This course will acquaint students with introductory macroeconomic principles and issues, including key macro variables, and two important short run models of income determination, namely the Keynesian model and the AS/AD model. The course also examines the monetary system, interest rates and the monetary transmission mechanism, business cycles, fiscal and monetary policies, international trade, exchange rates and the balance of payments.

    GNED Cluster 3 - Tier 2

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ECON 1109 - Engineering Economics

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    Tutorial Hour(s): 1

    Engineering economics includes such topics as the time value of money, project evaluation, depreciation and taxation, inflation, replacement analysis, public sector projects and the analysis of uncertainty and risk Various problem-solving techniques will be developed with an emphasis on engineering decision making.

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ECON 1143 - The Economics of Contemporary Issues

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course will apply principles of microeconomics and macroeconomics to current issues in society. By examining current issues from an economic perspective, students will learn how to assess contemporary issues in terms of the individual and overall winners and losers resulting from policies, regulations and systems. Specific issues to be covered in this course depend upon their currency and importance in relation to the time of the course offerings.

    GNED Cluster 3 - Tier 2

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ECON 1170 - Economics of Crime and Criminal Justice

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course discusses the economic elements underlying the behaviour of criminals, victims, and law enforcement agencies. Major topics covered include the supply of crime by criminals, the demand for crime prevention by victims, and public policy issues such as crime control and the allocation of criminal justice resources.

    GNED Cluster 3 - Tier 2

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ECON 2211 - Intermediate Economic Theory - Microeconomics I

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture, Online
    This course examines economic decision making of consumers and businesses. Topics covered include people’s consumption choices of and demand for goods and services, the external environment and market structure under which consumers and businesses interact with each other, and the strategic decisions of businesses such as production and pricing strategies.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1101  or consent of the department.
    GNED Cluster 3 - Tier 3

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ECON 2213 - Intermediate Economic Theory Macroeconomics I

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture, Online
    The course deals with Keynesian and AS/AD models, the Hicks-Hansen and Mundell-Fleming macro models in an open economy context (IS-LM-BP), AD-AS model under static expectations, the New-Classical, and New-Keynesian models, exchange rates and fiscal and monetary policies in dealing with contemporary macro economic problems of recession, unemployment and inflation.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1103  or consent of the department.
    GNED Cluster 3 - Tier 3

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ECON 2215 - Economic Regulation of Global Businesses

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course focuses on strategic behaviour of multinational businesses in imperfectly competitive markets. Students will learn how businesses can compete with each other without violating competition laws around the world, including in Canada, the U.S. and the European Union. Topics studied include cartels, mergers, exclusive dealing, tied selling, and predation.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1101  and ECON 1103 .
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ECON 2221 - International Trade

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course examines international trade theory, policy and applications. Topics include a brief history of trade, absolute and comparative advantage basis for trade, the Heckscher-Ohlin theory, trade with economies of scale, tariffs, non-tariff trade barriers, political economy of non-tariff barriers, strategic trade policies, trade agreements, role of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and developing economies’ trade policies. The course emphasizes current applications, policy development, as well as the institutional framework underlying the interaction between nations.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1101  and ECON 1103 .
    GNED Cluster 3 - Tier 3

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ECON 2223 - Gender Economics

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course examines how gender differences impact women in both the household and the marketplace. Basic economic theory provides the framework to explore such issues as marriage, fertility and child care as well as determine overall trends in the labour market.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1101  or consent of the department.
    GNED Cluster 3 - Tier 3

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ECON 2229 - International Money and Finance

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course examines international monetary theory, policy and applications. Topics include: balance of payments, the role of money and relative interest rates, exchange rate models/regimes and their effect on price levels and output, international investment and global capital markets, currency crises, the international financial architecture, including the role of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). This course emphasizes current applications, policy development, as well as the institutional framework underlying the interaction between nations.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1101  and ECON 1103 .
    GNED Cluster 3 - Tier 3

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ECON 2241 - Money and Banking

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course examines topics such as financial intermediation, determination and behaviour of interest rates, commercial banking and the money supply process, central banking and monetary control, regulation of financial markets, transmission of monetary impulses to output, employment and prices.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1103  or consent of the department.
    GNED Cluster 3 - Tier 3

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ECON 2244 - Managerial Economics

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    Managerial economics is concerned with resource-allocation, strategic decisions, and tactical decisions that are made by analysts, managers, and consultants in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors of the economy. Managerial economic techniques seek to achieve the objectives of the organization in the most efficient manner, while considering both explicit and implicit constraints on achieving the objective(s).

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1101 .
    GNED Cluster 3 - Tier 3

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ECON 2255 - Economics of the Public Sector

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course examines the institutions behind, and the economic rationale for, Canadian government policy relating to public expenditures and taxation. Topics include public goods; externalities; public expenditure theory and policy; tax and user price theory and policy; and social welfare and social insurance.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1101  and ECON 1103  or consent of the department.
    GNED Cluster 3 - Tier 3

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ECON 2261 - Development Economics

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course provides an introduction to economic challenges facing developing countries, models of economic development, comparative analysis of national economic development experience, perspectives on economic development policies, and roles of the state, domestic institutions and international institutions in the development process.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1101  and ECON 1103 .
    Note: Students with prior credit for ECON 2263  may not take this course for additional credit.

    GNED Cluster 3 - Tier 3

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ECON 2263 - Development Economics - Field School Program

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    A hands-on introduction to economic challenges facing developing countries, models of economic development, comparative analysis of development experience, perspectives on economic development policies, and roles of the state, domestic institutions and international institutions in the development process. The entire course is taught at a Mount Royal Field School in a developing country.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1101  and ECON 1103 , or consent of the department.
    Note: Students with prior credit for ECON 2261  may not take this course for additional credit.

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ECON 3101 - The Law & Economics of Canadian Business Strategy

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course focuses on strategic behaviour of firms in imperfectly competitive markets. Students will learn how businesses can compete with each other without violating any competition laws or industry-specific regulations. Topics studied include mergers, predation, tied selling, resale price maintenance, cartels, intellectual property rights, anti-dumping laws, and network industries.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1101 .
    GNED Cluster 3 - Tier 3

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ECON 3199 - Directed Readings

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Directed Reading
    Subject to the approval of the Chair. Directed Readings are intended to provide a more flexible approach for students who want to pursue and receive credit in areas of study which are of particular interest to them. Two Directed Reading courses can be used for graduation purposes but they must be in different disciplines. A Directed Reading cannot replicate an existing course. The objectives of the Directed Reading course(s) must be filed in the Office of the Registrar and will be made available to any institution requesting them for evaluation purposes. Arrangements for Directed Readings must be completed on or before the Add/ Drop deadline.

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ECON 3305 - History of Economic Thought

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    Studying the contributions of leading economic thinkers, from Adam Smith to John Maynard Keynes, this course examines the various perspectives that have influenced the development of economic thought. This course will analyze these economic theories and address some of the implications for policy researchers.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1101  and ECON 1103 .
    GNED Cluster 3 - Tier 3

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ECON 3357 - Intermediate Economic Theory - Microeconomics II

    (formerly ECON 2257)
    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course examines selected microeconomic topics. Major topics include organizational management of businesses such as recruitment and retention of employees and pay structure, and strategic business decisions such as advertising and pricing choices. Other topics covered include general equilibrium analysis, welfare economics, externalities, and factor markets.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 2211 .
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ECON 3359 - Intermediate Economic Theory - Macroeconomics II

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course examines the role of expectations in macroeconomic models and theories of aggregate consumption, investment, money demand, and economic growth. Students will also study business cycle theories and the inflation unemployment relationship, as well as the theory and practice of economic stabilization policy.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 2213 .
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ECON 3395 - Introduction to Applied Econometrics

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    The course introduces techniques for quantifying economic relationships. Topics include estimation and testing of hypotheses, forecasting and construction of prediction intervals, use of appropriate functional forms, detection and correction of measurement problems, model specification, and use of statistical software programs for single equation regression analysis.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1101  and ECON 1103 , and one of the following: POST 2209 , MATH 1224 , MGMT 2262 ; or consent of the department.
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ECON 3401 - Financial Economics I

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course introduces the microeconomic foundation of financial decisions. This course acts as a complementary addition to the existing Finance courses by providing a theoretical basis to finance practices. The main topics include a consumer’s financial decisions, a firm’s financing and investment decisions in a perfect capital market, risk measurement and management, mean-variance analysis and CAPM.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 2211 , ECON 2213 , and FNCE 3227 .
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ECON 4199 - Directed Readings

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Directed Reading
    Subject to the approval of the Chair. Directed Readings are intended to provide a more flexible approach for students who want to pursue and receive credit in areas of study which are of particular interest to them. Two Directed Reading courses can be used for graduation purposes but they must be in different disciplines. A Directed Reading cannot replicate an existing course. The objectives of the Directed Reading course(s) must be filed in the Office of the Registrar and will be made available to any institution requesting them for evaluation purposes. Arrangements for Directed Readings must be completed on or before the Add/ Drop deadline.

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule


  • EDUC 1209 - Elementary Art Education I

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course is designed to assist prospective teachers in developing their visual communication abilities. Participants will explore various materials and participate in studio projects designed to enhance their understanding of age appropriate art experiences for elementary students.

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 1231 - Professional Dimensions I

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    Other Hour(s): 4
    Other Hours Schedule Type Field Work

    This course examines teaching and learning processes with reference to psychological, sociological and philosophical influences in contemporary society, addressing the concept of personal worldview and its impact on classroom environments. The course introduces students to professional responsibilities and prompts students to develop ethical and professional attitudes, behaviour, language and conduct. The field experience will have an individual learner focus. In-school seminars may comprise part of the lecture hours.

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 1233 - Professional Dimensions II

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    Other Hour(s): 4
    Other Hours Schedule Type Field Work

    This course provides a foundation for curriculum and pedagogy in the areas of planning, facilitating and assessing learning. Further, it examines issues of power and justice and the ways that the economy, matters of race, culture, class, and gender ideologies, political discourses and other social institutions interact to construct the social systems that make up educational institutions. The field experience will focus on small groups and teacher candidates are expected to teach a lesson. In-school seminars may comprise part of the lecture hours.

    Prerequisite(s): EDUC 1231  with minimum grade of B.
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 2261 - Introduction to Inclusive Education

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course explores contemporary trends and issues shaping the field of inclusive education in Canada and Alberta. The historical impact of special and regular education philosophies on inclusive education will be addressed.  Students will gain an understanding of the variety of exceptional learning needs in classrooms today with specific emphasis on effective assessment strategies for the identification of exceptional learners and for the development of individual student program plans in inclusive classroom settings. Strategies for cross-agency and professional collaboration will also be addressed. 

    Prerequisite(s): A grade of B or higher in EDUC 1231 .
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 2271 - Introduction to Methods and Materials in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course introduces students to recognized methods useful for working with beginner level English Language Learners and the concomitant demands for materials and learning resources. Students will become familiar with the theoretical underpinnings of Total Physical Response (TPR), audio-lingual, Language Experience Approach (LEA) and the selection/design/ preparation of learning resources required to support these methods.

    Prerequisite(s): LING 1111  and LING 1113  or EDUC 2371 .
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 2312 - Elementary Music Education I

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course provides an opportunity for prospective teachers to develop musical skills, concepts and instructional methodologies that are considered to be important for teaching music in the elementary school setting.

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 2321 - Education and Individual Development

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course examines human behaviour, focusing on physical, emotional, cognitive, moral and social development. Emphasis is placed on understanding classroom implications of motivation, memory, learning styles, student diversity, principles of reinforcement, and aspects of learning.

    Prerequisite(s): EDUC 2371 .
    Corequisite(s): EDUC 2375 , EDUC 3103 , and EDUC 4104 .
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 2325 - Understanding Current and Emerging Pedagogical Technologies

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course provides an overview of technological influences in education. It is designed to assist prospective teachers in critically examining current and evolving applications of technology relevant to the teaching and learning process.

    Prerequisite(s): EDUC 2375 .
    Corequisite(s): All of EDUC 3010 EDUC 3106 EDUC 3108  and EDUC 3101 
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 2341 - Diversity and Education

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course explores key processes, perspectives and practices underlying effective learning in diverse settings. Topics include the construction of the concept of difference, stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination, racism, classism and sexism, all of which are examined with reference to their impact on learning.

    Prerequisite(s): A grade of B or higher in EDUC 1233. 
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 2371 - Language Development and Literacy

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    Other Hour(s): 4
    Other Hours Schedule Type Field Work

    This course focuses upon language development and the importance of literacy. Students will examine certain principles of learning in order to gain understanding as to how language development occurs as well as to determine best practice in teaching language and literacy. Students are required to participate in relevant field experience. The field experience will be literacy focused, including small group instruction and assessment.

    Prerequisite(s): EDUC 1233  with minimum grade of B.
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 2375 - Effective Assessment

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    Other Hour(s): 8
    Other Hours Schedule Type Field Work

    This course is designed to assist students in developing an understanding of concepts and issues related to the differentiated assessment of learning. Participants will be required to develop competence in the construction of various instruments and processes used to measure and evaluate individual learner performance. The field experience will include teaching and assessing learning experiences.

    Prerequisite(s): EDUC 2371 .
    Corequisite(s): EDUC 2321 EDUC 3103  and EDUC 4104 
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 3010 - Practicum I

    Credit(s): 3
    Other Hour(s): 40
    Other Hours Schedule Type Practicum

    This practicum focuses on professional responsibilities, planning for learning, facilitating learning, assessment, and the classroom environment. Students will be directly involved in all aspects of teaching for 50% of the required time during their last three weeks of the practicum.

    Prerequisite(s): EDUC 2375 .
    Corequisite(s): EDUC 2325 , EDUC 3106 , EDUC 3108  and EDUC 3101 
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 3090 - Supplemental Practicum

    Credit(s): 3
    Other Hour(s): 15
    Other Hours Schedule Type Practicum

    This supplemental practicum experience focuses on teaching and learning in selected alternative education settings for five full time weeks or equivalent. A limited number of cohort experiences may be available each year subject to the availability of the participating organizations. Students will be expected to be directly involved in leading educational experiences of the organization for at least 50% of their practicum time.

    Prerequisite(s): EDUC 3010 or consent of the department.
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 3101 - Program of Studies and Curriculum Instruction in Teaching Art

    (formerly EDUC 4101)
    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course examines the fundamental knowledge, understanding, values, attitudes, skills and processes required to implement an effective program of studies for Teaching Elementary Art in Alberta schools. The course will address relevant instructional methodologies, unit planning, curriculum integration and resource development. Students will investigate a range of assessment strategies to meet student needs.

    Prerequisite(s): EDUC 2375 .
    Corequisite(s): EDUC 2325 , EDUC 3010 , EDUC 3106  and EDUC 3108 .
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 3102 - Program of Studies and Curriculum Instruction in Teaching Drama

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course examines the fundamental knowledge, understanding, values, attitudes, skills, and processes required to implement an effective program of studies for teaching elementary drama. The course will address a range of approaches to develop instruction, plan units of study, integrate curriculum, develop resources and assessment strategies to meet students’ needs.

    Prerequisite(s): A grade of B or higher in EDUC 1233 .
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 3103 - Program of Studies and Curriculum Instruction in Teaching English Language Arts

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course explores the knowledge and skills required to implement programs of studies in teaching English Language Arts in elementary schools. The course will address relevant instructional methodologies, unit planning, curriculum integration and resource development. Students will investigate a range of assessment strategies.

    Prerequisite(s): EDUC 2371 .
    Corequisite(s): EDUC 2321 , EDUC 2375 , and EDUC 4104 
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 3105 - Program of Studies and Curriculum Instruction in Teaching Physical Education

    (formerly EDUC 4105)
    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course examines the fundamental knowledge, understanding, values, attitudes, skills and processes required to implement an effective program of studies for teaching Physical Education in elementary schools. The course will address relevant instructional methodologies, unit planning, curriculum integration and resource development. Students will investigate a range of assessment strategies.

    Prerequisite(s): EDUC 3010 .
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 3106 - Program of Studies and Curriculum Instruction in Teaching Science

    (formerly EDUC 4106)
    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course provides an introduction to the teaching and learning of Science in elementary schools. The course will focus on instruction, planning and facilitating learning experiences, integrating curriculum, creating and utilizing resources and developing assessment strategies to meet students’ needs.

    Prerequisite(s): EDUC 2375  
    Corequisite(s): EDUC 2325 , EDUC 3010 , EDUC 3108  and EDUC 3101 . 
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 3108 - Program of Studies and Curriculum Instruction in Teaching Mathematics

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course explores knowledge and skills required to implement programs of studies in teaching Mathematics in Elementary schools. The course will address a range of approaches to develop instruction, plan units of study, integrate curriculum, develop resources and assessment strategies to meet students’ needs.

    Prerequisite(s): EDUC 2375  
    Corequisite(s): EDUC 2325 , EDUC 3010 , EDUC 3106   and EDUC 3101 
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 3199 - Directed Readings

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Directed Reading
    Subject to the approval of the Chair. Directed Readings are intended to provide a more flexible approach for students who want to pursue and receive credit in areas of study which are of particular interest to them. Two Directed Reading courses can be used for graduation purposes but they must be in different disciplines. A Directed Reading cannot replicate an existing course. The objectives of the Directed Reading course(s) must be filed in the Office of the Registrar and will be made available to any institution requesting them for evaluation purposes. Arrangements for Directed Readings must be completed on or before the Add/ Drop deadline.

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 3201 - Visual Art and Mathematics: An Integrated Understanding

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course examines the fundamental knowledge, understanding, skills and processes necessary for the integration of visual arts and mathematics at the elementary school level. The course will address relevant instructional methodologies, curriculum integration and resource development for both visual arts and mathematics.

    Prerequisite(s): EDUC 1209  or MATH 1102  or permission of department.
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 3362 - Teaching Complex Learners

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course provides a critical and in-depth examination of complex learners from preschool to adolescence. Students will gain practical and theoretical understandings to meet the challenges of working with students with complex intellectual, physical, behavioural, and/or mental health needs in a variety of educational settings. Specific emphasis will be placed on interagency supports, current research,  effective use of assistive technologies, and application of a variety of instructional design strategies to support the development of effective learning plans and learning environments for complex learners. 

    Prerequisite(s): A grade of B or higher in EDUC 1233 .
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 3372 - Early Literacy Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course will introduce the student to ways of working with young English Language Learners as they begin to acquire early literacy concepts and skills, develop oral language and breadth, and depth of vocabulary knowledge. The course will comprise a balanced approach to an early literacy program that is necessary for success in academic literacy.

    Prerequisite(s): LING 1111  and LING 1113  or EDUC 2371 .
    Recommended Preparation: EDUC 2271 .
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 4020 - Practicum II

    Credit(s): 6
    Other Hour(s): 40
    Other Hours Schedule Type Practicum

    This practicum focuses on professional responsibilities, planning for learning, facilitating learning, assessment, and the classroom environment. Students are expected to be directly involved in all aspects of teaching progressing from 50% and achieving 100% for at least three weeks of the practicum.

    Prerequisite(s): EDUC 3010 .
    Corequisite(s): EDUC 3101  and EDUC 4201 .
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 4030 - Practicum II

    Credit(s): 9
    Other Hours Schedule Type Practicum

    Semester long practicum with concurrent course integration

    This practicum focuses on professional responsibilities, planning for learning, facilitating learning, assessment, and the classroom environment. Students are expected to be directly involved in all aspects of teaching progressing from 50% and achieving 100% for at least three weeks of the practicum.

    Prerequisite(s): EDUC 3010 .
    Corequisite(s): EDUC 4361  and EDUC 4201 .
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule

  • EDUC 4104 - Program of Studies and Curriculum Instruction in Teaching Music

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course is designed to provide musical experiences which will help the student gain skills to appropriately enhance the musical growth of children in K - 6 classrooms. The course participant’s personal skill and understanding of musical concepts will be developed; musical needs and capabilities of young children will be investigated; methods of teaching music to young children will be presented through observation and application.


    Prerequisite(s): EDUC 2371 .
    Corequisite(s): EDUC 2321 EDUC 2375  and EDUC 3103 
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule

  • EDUC 4107 - Program of Studies and Curriculum Instruction in Teaching Social Studies

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course explores the knowledge and skills required to implement programs of studies in teaching Social Studies in Elementary (1 - 6) Education. The course will address a range of approaches to develop instruction, plan units of study, integrate curriculum, develop resources and assessment strategies to meet students’ needs.

    Prerequisite(s): EDUC 3010 .
    Corequisite(s): EDUC 4351 
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 4199 - Directed Readings

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Directed Reading
    Subject to the approval of the Chair. Directed Readings are intended to provide a more flexible approach for students who want to pursue and receive credit in areas of study which are of particular interest to them. Two Directed Reading courses can be used for graduation purposes but they must be in different disciplines. A Directed Reading cannot replicate an existing course. The objectives of the Directed Reading course(s) must be filed in the Office of the Registrar and will be made available to any institution requesting them for evaluation purposes. Arrangements for Directed Readings must be completed on or before the Add/ Drop deadline.

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 4201 - Integrating Ideas, Values and Praxis

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    In this capstone course, participants will critically reflect upon significant issues and experiences gleaned from their education, general education, schooling and elective courses, field experiences and practica. The major focus will be on the development of a professional learning plan and a school-based inquiry.

    Prerequisite(s): Education 3010.
    Corequisite(s): EDUC 4030 . 
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 4321 - Developing a Philosophy of Education

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course examines basic beliefs concerning what is “sensible”, “right”, and “good” in promoting learning. Participants will critically reflect upon significant issues and experiences and will develop their philosophy of teaching and learning.

    Prerequisite(s): EDUC 1233  with minimum grade of B.
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 4325 - The Impact of Social Issues in Education and Schooling

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course examines factors such as the economy, the state, social class, gender, ethnicity, sub-cultural membership, ideology, religion, and the home environment, and their relationship to and impact on learning in general and schooling in particular.

    Prerequisite(s): A grade of B or higher in EDUC 1233. 
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 4351 - Indigenous Perspectives in Education

    (formerly EDUC 3351)
    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course is designed to prepare prospective teachers to engage with Indigenous perspectives, as well as ways of knowing and being. The course relates to the teaching and learning contexts. The course will include an in-depth examination of decolonization, indigenization, and reconciliation.

    Prerequisite(s): EDUC 3010 .
    Corequisite(s): EDUC 4107 .
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 4361 - Exceptional Students, Special Needs, and Inclusive Schooling

    (formerly EDUC 3361)
    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course examines characteristics of students exhibiting a range of mild, moderate, and severe disabilities and students exhibiting exceptional gifts and talents. Diverse educational, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds will be discussed. The course also examines methods that can be used in adapting classroom instruction and management of the diverse needs.

    Prerequisite(s): EDUC 3010 . 
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • EDUC 4471 - ESL in Mainstream: Language through Content Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course will introduce students to the principles of language through content (LTC) teaching and would enable them to respond to the needs of ESL learners as they attempt to learn language AND content together in the context of the mainstream classroom.

    Prerequisite(s): LING 1111  and LING 1113  or EDUC 2371 .
    Recommended Preparation: EDUC 2271 .
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule

Early Learning and Child Care

  • ELCC 1104 - The Profession of Early Learning and Child Care

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This initial course provides students with an overview of the field of early childhood education and the profession. Students will begin to develop a personal philosophy of early learning as they gain knowledge in quality care for children, types of early childhood programs and professional roles from diverse perspectives. Students will also learn foundations in governing regulations and policies. This course will be offered in a blended manner

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ELCC 1109 - Principles of Development I

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    Child development is a basic core course for the Early Learning and Child Care program and sets the theoretical and practical framework for understanding how children grow and develop from social and cultural perspectives. This course is the first of two courses that cover the theories and sequences of development from pre-birth to twelve years.

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ELCC 1110 - Learning Through Play I

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course will examine play as the foundation of children’s development. Topics to be discussed include definitions and theories of play, the values and types of play, and the roles of the adult and the environment in diverse contexts.

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ELCC 1180 - Fieldwork

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 1
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    Other Hour(s): 8
    Other Hours Schedule Type Field Work

    This course will provide students with the opportunity to integrate and apply theoretical methods by observing and interacting in different early learning settings. Students are required to be in fieldwork one day per week throughout the semester.

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ELCC 1199 - Directed Readings

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 4
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Directed Reading
    Subject to the approval of the Chair. Directed Readings are intended to provide a more flexible approach for students who want to pursue and receive credit in areas of study which are of particular interest to them. Two Directed Reading courses can be used for graduation purposes but they must be in different disciplines. A Directed Reading cannot replicate an existing course. The objectives of the Directed Reading course(s) must be filed in the Office of the Registrar and will be made available to any institution requesting them for evaluation purposes. Arrangements for Directed Readings must be completed on or before the Add/ Drop deadline.

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ELCC 1299 - Directed Readings

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Directed Reading
    Subject to the approval of the Chair. Directed Readings are intended to provide a more flexible approach for students who want to pursue and receive credit in areas of study which are of particular interest to them. Two Directed Reading courses can be used for graduation purposes but they must be in different disciplines. A Directed Reading cannot replicate an existing course. The objectives of the Directed Reading course(s) must be filed in the Office of the Registrar and will be made available to any institution requesting them for evaluation purposes. Arrangements for Directed Readings must be completed on or before the Add/ Drop deadline.

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ELCC 2110 - Learning Through Play II

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Blended, Online, Lecture
    This course provides the foundations for the reation of play based learning environments along with opportunities for practice. Students will explore the theory, methods and techniques of developmentally appropriate practice in planning play experiences.

    Prerequisite(s): ELCC 1104 , ELCC 1109 , and ELCC 2282 .
    Corequisite(s): ELCC 2282 .
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ELCC 2121 - Guidance and Planning

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course covers the planning of play environments with children to age twelve with a focus on emergent curriculum and a variety of curricular areas. Students will analyze how the planning of environments, programs and early childhood educator practices might influence children’s engagement, learning and behaviors. They will consider the role of the early childhood educator in documenting, supporting and facilitating children’s learning in early childhood settings. Students will also consider the significance of relationships, the environment and understanding children’s behaviour as it relates to guidance situations.

    Prerequisite(s): ELCC 2110  and one of ELCC 1209 or ELCC 2209  and one of ELCC 1282 or ELCC 2282 . 
    Corequisite(s): ELCC 2285 .
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ELCC 2209 - Principles of Development ll

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    Child development is a basic core course for the Early Learning and Child Care program and sets the theoretical and practical framework for understanding how children grow and develop from a social and cultural perspective. This course will cover the theories and sequences of development from pre-birth to age twelve.

    Prerequisite(s): ELCC 1109 .
    Note: Only one of ELCC 1209 or 2209 can be used to satisfy graduation requirements.

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ELCC 2211 - Child, Family and Community

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course focuses on the family of the preschool child. Students will explore and develop an understanding of family and the factors affecting families today. Issues affecting families are discussed in terms of the effect they have on all members of the family and on the development of the child. The role of the educator in understanding, accepting and supporting the diversity of families is discussed. Various means of developing partnerships with parents will be explored.

    Prerequisite(s): ELCC 2110  and one of ELCC 1209 or ELCC 2209 .
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ELCC 2213 - Health, Safety, and Nutrition

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture, Blended
    This course is designed to provide students with basic knowledge and skills to plan and implement programs that promote the well-being of young children in early childhood settings. Concepts to be discussed in this course include theory and practice related to health (including illness prevention and mental and sexual health), safety, and nutrition of the young child.

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ELCC 2215 - Differing Abilities and Inclusion

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course provides students with information about young children with diverse needs. Along with learning about specific types of conditions and an introduction to the field of exceptional children and their families, this course will discuss some techniques to include children with diverse needs into early learning settings.

    Prerequisite(s): ELCC 2110  and one of ELCC 1209 or ELCC 2209 .
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ELCC 2282 - Practicum I

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 1
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    Other Hour(s): 20
    Other Hours Schedule Type Practicum

    Practicum I allows the student the opportunity to integrate play and child development theories with young children in early learning settings. Students will gain experience in guiding children’s behaviours and experience in a variety of skill development areas. For two days per week students will interact with young children in an early childhood setting under supervision. Students will be accepted into practica on the basis of academic performance and health.

    Prerequisite(s): ELCC 1180  with a minimum ‘C’ grade and ELCC 1109 .
    Corequisite(s): ELCC 2110 .
    Note: Only one of ELCC 1282 or 2282 can be used to satisfy graduation requirements.

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ELCC 2285 - Practicum II

    Credit(s): 6
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Seminar
    Other Hour(s): 28
    Other Hours Schedule Type Practicum

    This course is a continuation of ELCC 2282  which provides students opportunities to plan and facilitate learning experiences through the use of a curriculum framework while taking into account knowledge and understanding of diverse perspectives. This course also encourages personal self-reflection and goal setting based on early childhood theories and developmentally appropriate practices for young children.

    Prerequisite(s): ELCC 2110  and one of ELCC 1209 or ELCC 2209 . ELCC 1282 or ELCC 2282  with a minimum grade of C.
    Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): ELCC 2121 .
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule


  • ENGL 0115 - Writing and Communication Skills

    Credit(s): 0
    Lecture Hour(s): 4
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This is a credit free upgrading course; special fees apply. This course provides students with opportunities to improve their English language communication skills provided they are adequately prepared to study English at a high school level. This is not an ESL course. Instruction will emphasize development of grammar, spelling, vocabulary and punctuation. Students who successfully complete this course or its equivalent are adequately prepared to take ENGL 0130  or ENGL 0212 .

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ENGL 0130 - Literature and Composition

    Credit(s): 0
    Lecture Hour(s): 4
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This is a credit-free upgrading course; special fees apply. Students write paragraphs and essays of various lengths based upon ideas derived from the study of literary works and from other sources.
    Corresponding Alberta High School Equivalent: English Language Arts 30-1.

    Recommended Preparation: ENGL 0115 , English Language Arts 20-1 or English Language Arts 30-2 or equivalents.
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ENGL 0212 - Introductory Composition

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course is designed for students whose understanding of the elements of English grammar and the mechanics of good writing needs reinforcing. Introductory Composition will provide a review of grammar and the mechanics; as well, it will focus on the structures of sentences, paragraphs and essays. Along with written assignments offering practice in composition, the course will emphasize discussion and analysis of readings. Instruction in research methods will also be provided as preparation for a research paper.

    Note: Students must have passed English Language Arts 30-1, English Language Arts 30-2 or ENGL 0115  to qualify for this course.

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ENGL 1101 - Writing for Academic Success

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 4
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course develops students’ skills in the types of writing, reading, and thinking required in university today. Students will review basics, analyze contemporary examples, develop research and referencing skills, and design their writing for specific audiences. Writing for Academic Success provides an opportunity to develop new talents and gain confidence in expressing ideas.

    Prerequisite(s): English Language Arts 30-1 or equivalent with a grade of 60% or higher, or ENGL 0212  with a grade of C or higher.
    GNED Cluster 4 - Foundation

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ENGL 1131 - Introduction to Fiction

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    In this course selected novels and short stories are studied, with instruction in the writing of critical essays.

    Prerequisite(s): English Language Arts 30-1 or equivalent with a grade of 60% or higher.
    GNED Cluster 2 - Tier 2

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ENGL 1135 - Introduction to Poetry

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    A study of selected poetry written in English, with instruction in the writing of critical essays.

    Prerequisite(s): English Language Arts 30-1 or equivalent with a grade of 60% or higher.
    GNED Cluster 2 - Tier 2

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ENGL 1137 - Introduction to Dramatic Literature

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    A study of six to eight plays, with instruction in the writing of critical essays.

    Prerequisite(s): English Language Arts 30-1 or equivalent with a grade of 60% or higher.
    GNED Cluster 2 - Tier 2

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ENGL 1151 - The Art of Story: An Introduction to Literature

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture, Online
    This course introduces the principles and practices of literary analysis by examining the narrative features of selected works of prose, poetry, or drama. Students will apply close reading techniques to a range of narratives in order to develop foundational skills in writing and thinking about literature critically.

    Prerequisite(s): English Language Arts 30-1 or equivalent with a grade of 60% or higher.
    GNED Cluster 2 - Tier 2

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ENGL 1152 - Identity and Invention: An Introduction to Literature

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture, Online
    This course introduces the principles and practices of literary analysis by examining features of self-invention and first-person identity in selected works of prose, poetry, and drama. Students will apply close reading techniques to the imaginatively-constructed “I” in order to develop foundational skills in writing and thinking about literature critically.

    Prerequisite(s): English Language Arts 30-1 or equivalent with a grade of 60% or higher.
    GNED Cluster 2 - Tier 2

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ENGL 2141 - Literature for Young Children

    (formerly ENGL 1141)
    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course offers a critical study of literature for young children (ages two-eight). By providing a survey of the various genres of children’s literature, this course introduces students to the range of work available for preschool and primary school children. Students will also be given opportunities to develop their skills for oral presentation and written composition.

    Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1101 /GNED 1401  or GNED 1403  or GNED 1404 .
    Note: Students can only use one of 2141 and 1141 or 1241 or 2241 to satisfy graduation requirements for a Bachelor of Arts (English) degree.

    GNED Cluster 4 - Tier 2

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ENGL 2207 - Intermediate Writing

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 4
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    A course in which students study rhetorical theory and apply it to the examination of their own writing and that of selected texts.

    Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1101 /GNED 1401  or GNED 1403  or GNED 1404 .
    Note: Credit will be allowed for only one of Applied Communications 2263, English 2207 or Freelance Writing 1301.

    GNED Cluster 4 - Tier 2

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ENGL 2216 - Women’s Writing: Voices and Visionaries

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course will approach women’s writing from a variety of theoretical perspectives and across genres from different times, places, and spaces.

    Prerequisite(s): One of ENGL 1101 /GNED 1401  or GNED 1403  or GNED 1404 .
    Recommended Preparation: One 1000-level course in English Literature or Women’s & Gender Studies.
    GNED Cluster 3 - Tier 3

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ENGL 2228 - Intermediate Special Topics

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Blended, Lecture
    This course provides an examination of selected literary topics. The offerings vary depending on student and faculty interests. As this is a variable content course, the specific topic will be announced and advertised each time the course is offered. Students may not receive credit for this course more than once.

    Prerequisite(s): One of ENGL 1101 /GNED 1401  or GNED 1403  or GNED 1404 .
    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ENGL 2263 - Technical Writing

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course focuses on the principles and techniques of technical writing. Through analysis of selected technical prose and directed writing practice, students will develop competence in the presentation of technical information for a variety of audiences.

    Prerequisite(s): English Language Arts 30-1 or equivalent with a grade of 75% or higher, or one of ENGL 0212 , ENGL 1101 /GNED 1401 GNED 1403 , or GNED 1404 .
    Note: Credit will be allowed for only one of ACOM 2061, ENGL 2263 and Freelance Writing 1311.

    GNED Cluster 4 - Tier 2

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ENGL 2273 - Reading the Popular

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture, Online
    This course examines the historical development of popular literary forms, including but not limited to persistent characters, themes, and narrative structures. These forms will be studied especially in genre fiction constructed for a trans-Atlantic mass readership in the twentieth century such as mystery, romance, horror, etc and in related non-print media as well.

    Prerequisite(s): One of ENGL 1101 /GNED 1401  or GNED 1403  or GNED 1404 .
    GNED Cluster 3 - Tier 3

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule
  • ENGL 2294 - Comics as Literature

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hour(s): 3
    Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture
    This course examines the comic book as modern folktale, told in words and pictures, and as mass market literature, shaped by contemporary events, audience response, and the economics of its production. It will also look at the comic in terms of its relationships with television, film, and the graphic novel.

    Prerequisite(s): One of ENGL 1101 /GNED 1401  or GNED 1403  or GNED 1404 .
    GNED Cluster 4 - Tier 3

    Fall Schedule
    Winter Schedule
    Spring Schedule
    Summer Schedule

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