Sep 14, 2024  
2017-18 Academic Calendar Mount Royal University 
2017-18 Academic Calendar Mount Royal University [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Transfer Credit and PLAR

Transfer Equivalency

Upon receipt of an application for admission and an official transcript, from each current or previously attended post-secondary institution, transfer course equivalencies are assessed.

To be considered for transfer equivalency, each course must have been completed at a recognized accredited post-secondary institution with a minimum passing grade.

Regardless when a course was completed, normally it may be considered for a transfer equivalency. However, limitations do exist for time-sensitive courses, e.g. Computer Science, Midwifery, Nursing, and Science. Refer to Transfer Credit Assessment within individual program requirements.

Unspecified Equivalency

Transfer equivalencies are either direct equivalents to specific Mount Royal courses or unspecified courses at the appropriate post-secondary level. Courses granted unspecified equivalents are indicated as XXXX, 1XXX, 2XXX, 3XXX. An unspecified transfer equivalency may satisfy an elective but not a specific course requirement.

Courses completed in academic disciplines at the university level which are not offered by MRU are considered as an unspecified transfer equivalency. If the transfer equivalency assigned by MRU is unspecified and you think it might transfer as a direct equivalent, you need to provide the detailed course outline for assessment.

A detailed course outline includes: course outline, weekly structure, textbook(s), reading requirements, learning outcomes and instructor qualifications. Web or calendar descriptions are not accepted due to minimal content.

Email the detailed courses outlines to Include your Mount Royal Student ID number plus indicate the direct equivalent you are requesting.

Timelines for Transfer Equivalency Assessment

Semester Deadline to submit detailed course outline(s) to Departmental decision finalized by
Fall April 15 June 15
Winter October 15 December 15
Spring February 15 April 15

Failure to submit the detailed course outline by the deadline, may affect whether a course prerequisite has been met. Lack of the course prerequisite would limit your choice of courses when registering and/or result in your removal from a class list. (Refer to Course Prerequisite Requirements ).

Transfer Credit

Transfer Equivalencies become Transfer Credit when the course satisfies a graduation requirement. If a higher grade is required to satisfy either prerequisites (refer to Courses ) or a program continuance (refer to individual program requirements), a transfer course with a minimum passing grade would not satisfy a direct equivalent.

A maximum of 50% of the program in which a student is officially admitted may be completed as Transfer Credit. (Refer to Residency ).

Assessed Transfer Credit is viewable in a student’s MyMRU account and mruGRADU8 program audit.

Letter of Permission

Students who are registered in baccalaureate or applied degree, diploma, or certificate programs at Mount Royal University may be granted permission to take a limited number of courses at other recognized or accredited postsecondary institutions.

A Letter of Permission (LOP):

  • when approved, provides a guarantee that a course successfully completed at another institution will fulfil a current program requirement for graduation purposes.
  • must be obtained prior to registering for the course(s) at another postsecondary institution.

It is the student’s responsibility to review another post-secondary institution’s information on admission, registration, course description and tuition costs, prior to requesting an LOP. Students may request a LOP by accessing MyMRU on the Mount Royal University website (

Semester Deadline to submit Letter of Permission requests Departmental decision finalized by
Fall July 15 July 31
Winter November 15 November 30
Spring April 15 April 30

A LOP does not:

  • ensure admission to another post-secondary institution
  • ensure prerequisites, required by another post-secondary institution, have been previously completed.

LOP limitations:

  • the number of courses that may be completed elsewhere is limited by the number of transfer credits permitted toward a current program.
    (See policy on Residence Requirements in the section entitled General Graduation Requirements).

Upon completion of a course, it is the student’s responsibility to request an official transcript indicating the final results be sent by the originating institution to:

Admissions and Recruitment
Mount Royal University
4825 Mount Royal Gate SW
Calgary, Alberta
T3E 6K6

Note: A student is not eligible to request an LOP if (i) s/he has interrupted their program for longer than the allowable absence period; (ii) s/he has not been admitted into a degree, diploma or certificate program; (iii) s/he has already completed the requirements of his/her program whether or not s/ he has applied to graduate; (iv) s/he has been Required to Withdraw from Mount Royal; or (v) s/he has exceeded the time limitation for completion of his/her program.

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)


Many students enter Mount Royal with work, academic and life experiences that may reflect sound knowledge of subject matter covered in courses offered for credit by the University. Prior learning assessment is a method of recognizing and accrediting the demonstrated knowledge that has resulted from those experiences.

Mount Royal fully supports the following academic principles with respect to prior learning assessment and recognition which have been developed and endorsed by the Alberta Council on Admissions and Transfer.

  1. Recognition of prior learning should be based on demonstrated learning.
  2. Recognition of prior learning should be appropriate to the course or program in which it is accepted.
  3. Recognition of prior learning should be consistent with the achievement levels required by the post-secondary program in which it is accepted.
  4. Recognition of prior learning should be for learning that has a balance, appropriate to the subject, between theory and practical application.
  5. Assessment of prior learning by post-secondary institutions should be made by content specialists, with external advice as necessary.

At Mount Royal, demonstrated prior learning resulting from work, life and academic experiences may be assessed by any one of the following evaluation methods or some combination of them:

  1. Formal examinations (including challenge examinations and standardized external examinations);
  2. Course equivalencies involving evaluation of non-collegiate and/or noncredit programs, courses, certificates and designations; and
  3. Documentation and demonstration of achievement through portfolio assessment and portfolio-assisted assessment (including product assessment [work samples], simulation/performance assessment, interviews and oral examinations, and practical and laboratory demonstrations).

The most appropriate evaluation method in any particular case is to be determined by the department Chair, acting on the advice of the content specialists for the subject and/or discipline area for which recognition or credit is requested. The relevant department Chair shall also have the responsibility to evaluate each student’s application for prior learning assessment and determine which courses and/or subject areas or disciplines may be reviewed for possible recognition or accreditation, subject to the general academic regulations specified below. Each department shall also compile and maintain a list of courses for its area which shall not be considered for credit or recognition through the prior learning assessment methods indicated above.

Application for recognition of prior learning must be made through the Office of the Registrar.


  1. In order to obtain recognition of prior learning by the University, the individual requesting the assessment of prior learning must be a registered student at the start of the semester and when the assessment is conducted. New and continuing students who wish to avail themselves of this service are strongly advised to explore and, as appropriate, to initiate the prior learning assessment and recognition process outlined here as early as possible after their acceptance into a program of studies offered by the University. Requests must be received by the end of the first week of classes in any semester. The final assessment of prior learning must be completed by the end of the fourth week of classes in any semester.
  2. Students may obtain the Application for Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Form from the Office of the Registrar. The student must discuss this request with the Coordinator, Transfer Articulation who will determine if the request meets policy requirements. If approved the student will complete the form and take it to the appropriate discipline Chair.
  3. The Chair will evaluate the student’s request for assessment and recognition of prior learning and determine if credit for a specific course or courses may be obtained in this manner. Upon completion of the initial evaluation, the decision of the Chair will be recorded on the Application for Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Form.
  4. The student shall return the form to the Office of the Registrar. The student will be notified when he or she has been registered in the PLAR and fees have been assessed.
  5. The assessment of prior learning will be conducted by the department, which will determine whether the student clearly shows above average knowledge of the subject matter. The grading shall be either “CR” (credit awarded) or “NC” (credit not awarded). Under no circumstances will a letter grade be assigned. Courses for which credit is received in this manner will contribute to the student’s total credits.
  6. Students may confirm online the specific credits they have been awarded through the prior learning assessment process by accessing Student Web Services on the Mount Royal University website ( The Office of the Registrar shall make the appropriate notation on the student’s permanent academic record.
  7. A student may request a review of a particular assessment through the normal grade appeal process.


  1. The purpose of prior learning assessment is to allow students to complete their studies at Mount Royal successfully. Prior learning assessment is not intended to be used to aid students in transferring to another institution. Any university transferable courses offered at Mount Royal that are at the 1000 level or higher will not be granted credit by prior learning assessment.
  2. Students may not apply for credit by prior learning assessment in any course in which they are currently or have previously been registered at any institution. However, courses taken over six years ago may be recognized for credit through prior learning assessment.
  3. In cases where prerequisites exist, students may request assessment and recognition of prior learning only for those courses for which they have the stated prerequisites.
  4. No student may receive credit by prior learning assessment in more than two courses within a given subject or discipline area, nor in more than a total of three courses at the University if registered in a diploma or certificate program or in more than a total of six courses if registered in a baccalaureate degree program.
  5. This policy, procedures, and limitations are intended to govern the award of academic credit through the assessment and recognition of demonstrated learning resulting from prior life, work, educational and other extracurricular experiences. The assessment and recognition of work experience credit based on prior work experience for purposes of satisfying the graduation requirements of the University’s baccalaureate degree programs are covered under separate policy and procedures that apply specifically and exclusively to those baccalaureate degree programs.
  6. Students should be aware that academic credit awarded through prior learning assessment at Mount Royal is guaranteed only toward the University’s graduation requirements. Other institutions may or may not allow transfer credit towards degrees, diplomas or certificates for courses recognized or accredited through the University’s prior learning assessment process.

Advanced Placement (AP)

Upon admission to a certificate, diploma or degree, students who successfully complete Advanced Placement courses may be considered for transfer credit for approved courses. An official AP transcript must be sent directly from the Advanced Placement program to Admissions, Mount Royal University.

International Baccalaureate (IB)

Upon admission to a certificate, diploma or degree, students who successfully complete International Baccalaureate (IB) courses may be considered for transfer credit for approved courses. An official IB transcript must be sent directly from the IBNA office to Admissions, Mount Royal University.