Feb 10, 2025  
2017-18 Academic Calendar Mount Royal University 
2017-18 Academic Calendar Mount Royal University [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Graduation Requirements

Generally, all students who expect to receive a parchment from Mount Royal University must satisfy the graduation requirements for a baccalaureate degree program, a diploma program or a certificate program as shown in this section. Several programs have special graduation requirements, which must also be met before a degree, diploma or certificate can be awarded. The additional requirements are shown in the program description section of the programs concerned. (Also see Academic Regulations - Graduation ). Students are cautioned to note the general statements regarding graduation and the restrictions and interpretations that follow. Consult the Office of the Registrar if you are uncertain about your graduation status.

Application to Graduate

All students who are candidates for the award of a baccalaureate degree, diploma or certificate are responsible for notifying the Office of the Registrar of their intention to graduate. They must complete and submit an application to graduate prior to the relevant deadline indicated in the Academic Schedule in this calendar. The application form is available online through MyMRU or at the Office of the Registrar.

Candidates graduate in accordance with the conditions and requirements shown in the calendar of the year in which they first enroled in the program, provided there has been no break in their attendance at the University. Students who discontinue their studies will be subject to the graduation requirements published in the calendar at the time of their return to the University.

Eligibility to Graduate

In order to graduate from any Mount Royal University credit program, a student must satisfy all program requirements specified in the curriculum at the time of admission to the program or the current program curriculum and meet the requirements for Good Standing (see Academic Standing ) at the time the application to graduate is evaluated.

Admission to Program

To be eligible to graduate, a student must have been officially admitted into the program and must normally complete at least 25% of the graduation requirements as a student within the program, except where written approval has been given by the Dean/Director of the faculty/centre/school.


Normally, 50% of the academic work completed toward the award of a Mount Royal parchment must be completed at Mount Royal, except where written approval has been given by the Dean/Director of the appropriate faculty/centre/school.

In addition, at least 50% of the Directed Field Study requirement for an applied degree must normally be completed as a student of Mount Royal.

Program Pattern

A student must successfully complete all requirements as stated in the approved program pattern (see the Academic Program section). This includes earning the number of required credits, successfully completing all courses identified as the program core, meeting the General Education requirements, as well as completing any additional requirements specified in the calendar.

Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA)

A student must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.00 based on all courses required for graduation in the program; this will include all the core courses specified in the published curriculum pattern for that program, as well as all approved options and electives, and General Education courses. Some programs may require a higher GPA for graduation.

General Education Requirements

Mount Royal has phased out Arts & Science requirements in favour of General Education in most degree and diploma programs. Students are advised to consult with their advisor to ensure that they are meeting program requirements. See mtroyal.ca/gened/courses

Applied Degree Programs With a Diploma Exit Option

In Applied Degree programs with a diploma exit option, students may be eligible to be awarded a diploma after completing their second year of studies without exiting from the program. Students wishing to receive the diploma must declare their intention to graduate (without exit from the program) within their second year of studies prior to the relevant deadline indicated in the current Academic Schedule.


  • No course may be presented to fulfill more than one graduation requirement within one credential. (For example, English 1101 may not be used to satisfy a program core requirement and a General Education requirement.)
  • See following sections for specific restrictions on using courses to complete a minor or double major.
  • No high school or matriculation equivalent course (level 30 or lower) may be used for graduation purposes (see list of high school/matriculation equivalent courses in the section entitled High School Matriculation Equivalents).
  • Students may apply a maximum of seventy-five per cent (75%) of the credits obtained under one Mount Royal credential towards the graduation requirements of another credential at Mount Royal. The Dean of the Faculty from which a student wishes to graduate has the authority to grant an exception to the limit on internal transfer.
  • Two Directed Reading courses can be used for graduation purposes but they must be in different disciplines.
  • ENGL 0212  is a university-level course but unless it is specifically required for a program, it can only be used to satisfy an elective requirement.
  • A maximum of 16 junior (1000-level) courses may be used to satisfy requirements for a baccalaureate degree.

Letter of Permission

Students who wish to complete relevant course work for a baccalaureate or applied degree, diploma or certificate program at another recognized or accredited post-secondary institution must receive prior approval requesting a Letter of Permission. See Transfer Credit and PLAR  for details.

Time Limitation - Baccalaureate or Applied Degree Course Work

All graduation requirements for a baccalaureate or an applied degree program must be completed within eight years of initial admission to and enrolment in the baccalaureate or applied degree program. The prior learning of all students entering baccalaureate or applied degree programs will be fully assessed at the point of admission for possible advanced standing or transfer credit. Applicable credit for prior learning which is recognized at the point of entry into the program will remain valid for the same time limit (eight years) as is permitted to complete the program. Any student who is unable to complete a credential within the stated time limits will be removed from the program and will be required to apply for readmission.

Time Limitation - Diploma or Certificate Course Work

All graduation requirements for a certificate or diploma program must be completed within six years of initial admission to and enrolment in that certificate or diploma program.

The prior learning of all students entering certificate or diploma programs will be fully assessed at the point of admission for possible advanced standing or transfer credit. Applicable credit for prior learning which is recognized at the point of entry into the program will remain valid for the same time limit (6 years) as is permitted to complete the program. Any student who is unable to complete a credential within the stated time limits will be removed from the program and will be required to apply for readmission.

Program Definitions

Baccalaureate Degree

Normally, baccalaureate degree programs consist of forty, three-credit courses (typically eight semesters) and consist of courses in three categories: Program Core, General Education, and Electives. Because of accreditation requirements and other professional requirements, the number of courses required to meet core requirements may vary. Specific requirements are:

  • Normally, the program core will not be more than twenty-six courses within a forty course program.
  • General Education requirements in a program will normally consist of ten courses:
    • Four courses will be taken at the foundation level: one from each of the four thematic cluster areas.
    • Three courses will be taken at the second tier: no more than one from each of the thematic clusters. Students must include a selection from the Numeracy and Scientific Literacy cluster at tier 2.
    • Three courses must be taken at the third tier, selected from at least two of the thematic clusters.
    • General Education requirements may vary depending on program. Students should review their General Education requirements in mruGradU8 or speak with their advisor.
  • Normally, electives constitute a minimum of four courses from the total number of courses that make up the program.

Applied Degree

Applied degree programs require a minimum of forty, three-credit courses, and shall not require more than forty-four, three credit courses (or equivalent) and have the following requirements:

  • A minimum of 30 credits to be delivered through experiential learning, which may be embedded in classroom-based courses or other courses.
  • Eight courses must be taken to satisfy General Education requirements. Specifically, four courses must be taken from each of the four clusters at the Foundation level. Four additional courses must be taken at the second or third tier and must be chosen from all four thematic clusters.
  • At least one course of a student’s choosing without restriction.


A major is a prescribed set of no less than fourteen courses or normally no more than twenty-six courses within a forty course program. The designation for major will normally appear on the transcript and the degree parchment.

Double Majors

  • Discipline choices for a double major must be made within a single degree.
  • All core requirements for each major must be satisfied in a manner approved by the Dean.
  • All General Education requirements for the degree must be satisfied.
  • A maximum of four General Education courses (12 credits) can be used to satisfy the requirements for a double major.
  • Courses which satisfy an Elective requirement can be used to satisfy the requirements for a double major without restriction.

Minor/Double Minors

A minor is a prescribed set of no less than six courses and no more than ten courses. The designation for minor will appear on the transcript but not on the degree parchment.

  • A minor must be clearly distinct from the major in a student’s program in that courses used to satisfy a core requirement in a major cannot be used to satisfy a requirement for a minor.
  • With an interdisciplinary program, courses used to satisfy a core requirement can be used to satisfy requirement for a minor if (i) Courses used to construct the minor are cognate within the major; and (ii) The completion of the minor does not result in a total credit count that is less than the total requirements for the program.
  • Courses used to satisfy a General Education and/or elective requirement within a program can also be used to satisfy a requirement for a minor.


  • Generally, diploma programs will have a minimum of 60 credits and a maximum of 72 credits and have the following requirements (effective for Fall 2010 admissions):
  • Five General Education requirements: Cluster 4, Foundation; four other courses chosen from each cluster at the foundation or higher level.
    (Note: Some diplomas may have been granted exemptions to these requirements. Students should consult with an advisor or refer to the appropriate section in this calendar.); and
  • Program core courses (no fewer than 36 credits), electives and approved options.

Credit Certificate

Programs offering this type of credential may include program core courses, electives and approved options (minimum of 18 credits and six courses). Generally, programs of this type will be from six to 10 courses in length and will focus on professional development, post-diploma or post-baccalaureate education.

Certificate of Achievement

This type of certificate is given to acknowledge completion of an approved series of related credit courses (minimum of nine credits and three courses). Generally, programs of this type will be from three to five courses in length and will focus on professional development.

Credit-Free Certificate

Programs offering this type of credential include at least three required program core courses and in addition, there may be a series of options from which a specified number may be selected. Programs of this type must have a minimum of 60 instructional hours and individual courses within the program will not usually be less than 15 hours in length.

Cognate Course

A cognate course is a course from outside a defined discipline which complements and enhances the breadth of knowledge and skills found within the area of study.

Interdisciplinary Program

A program is considered interdisciplinary when it combines and integrates courses primarily within one discipline with cognate courses.

Community Service Learning Citation

MRU recognizes Community Service Learning (CSL) as a high impact teaching practice that offers students the opportunity to make a positive impact in local and global communities through hands-on experience. Professors at MRU have employed CSL as a teaching pedagogy for more than twenty years through community based projects where students apply academic theories and processes. Community organizations work with professors to develop deep learning experiences that address real-world challenges and opportunities.

In an effort to recognize student engagement MRU has develop a CSL Citation that is recorded as a co-curricular record on the student transcript. The Citation demonstrates that a student has significantly integrated CSL into their post-secondary education by completing three courses for a minimum of nine credits that are designated as employing community engagement. CSL designated courses entail at least twenty hours of community service, and are worth at least 15% of each course grade.

The CSL Citation recognizes student contributions towards the sustainability of local, regional, and international organizations and communities. For further information on declaring your intent for a CSL Citation, or to view a list of eligible courses, visit mtroyal.ca/CSLearning.