Feb 16, 2025
2018-19 Academic Calendar Mount Royal University [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
MDWF 3150 - Midwifery Care: Complications and Consultation - Clinical Credit(s): 9 Other Hour(s): 54 Other Hours Schedule Type Clinical
This course is a placement under the supervision of a registered midwife in which the student assumes greater responsibility for care of a caseload of healthy women, carries out a greater range of technical skills without assistance, identifies more common complications and initiates planning and care of those conditions, including carrying out consultation and referrals with attention to forming interprofessional relationships. An initial workshop component will provide certification in emergency obstetrical skills. The student will have assigned clinical hours and on-call responsibilities.
Prerequisite(s): All of MDWF 2100 , MDWF 2101 , INTS 1240 , HLTH 2250 , WGST 2221 and HPED 2507 . Corequisite(s): MDWF 3151 . Fall Schedule Winter Schedule Spring Schedule Summer Schedule