Mar 12, 2025  
Draft 2025-2026 Academic Calendar Mount Royal University 
Draft 2025-2026 Academic Calendar Mount Royal University

Registration Information

General Information

Registration is the process of formally recording the enrolment of a student in a course or courses. Students eligible to register in credit courses at Mount Royal are those who have been accepted into a baccalaureate degree, diploma or certificate program as well as students accepted into Open Studies or University Entrance Option. All students have the right to adjust their registration in courses without restriction provided the transaction occurs within institutional deadlines. Students must register in all components of a course to be considered officially registered.

Registration in specific courses is subject to the availability of those courses at the time the student registers. Students are not permitted to attend any classes in which they are not registered. The Office of the Registrar may adjust or cancel any course registration(s) that are in violation of Mount Royal’s policy, including but not limited to those for which the stated prerequisites are not satisfied and/or for non-payment of fees/tuition.

Student Responsibility

Students are expected to adhere to all critical dates and deadlines outlined in the Academic Schedule . It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the courses selected are appropriate and meet program/graduation requirements. Academic advisors are available to assist students in the selection of their courses.

How to Register

Students register online by visiting MyMRU. Students requiring assistance may consult the Mount Royal University website for further instructions or the Office of the Registrar.

  • Registration Help Line: 403.440.3303
  • Toll-free: 1.877.676.0686.

New Students

New students who have accepted an offer of final or conditional admission and who have paid the tuition deposit may begin course registration on or after the first day of registration for new students as outlined in the Academic Schedule . Academic advisors are available and may be consulted by students when planning a program prior to registering in courses.

Students in some undergraduate programs must consult with an Academic Advisor before they will be permitted to register in courses. Students who are not admitted to a defined program of study may consider Open Studies, University Entrance Option or Unclassified as alternatives.

Continuing Students

Estimated registration access dates are available on MyMRU prior to the commencement of registration in March each year. Continuing students will be required to pay a non-refundable Registration deposit for each semester and may register on or after their specified registration access date. Students in some undergraduate programs must consult with an academic advisor before they will be permitted to register in courses.

Full-Year Registration

Mount Royal University offers Full-Year Registration which allows students to register for the Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer Semesters simultaneously.

Interruption of Study

Students are permitted to interrupt their studies for a maximum of six consecutive semesters (including the Spring and Summer semesters) and return to the same program of study. Students can return to the same program by contacting the Registrar’s Office. Click here to see if you are eligible to return. Students who have interrupted their studies for longer periods or are changing programs are required to re-apply for admission.

Course Prerequisite Requirements

Prerequisites for each course can be found in this Academic Calendar . Students must meet pre- and co-requisite requirements as stated in the Academic Calendar at the time of registration and for the semester the course is offered. For more information refer to the Registration website.

If a prerequisite has been completed in high school and/or at a previous post-secondary institution(s), it is the student’s responsibility to submit an official transcript(s). Transcripts must be received in accordance with the deadlines outlined in the Academic Schedule . A student who presents a Letter of Permission from another institution is deemed to have satisfied all prerequisite requirements.

Course Waitlists

If a class is full and there are no alternative sections available, students can place themselves on a waitlist for a class. Students will be emailed and given 24 hours to claim the available seat if space becomes available. There is no guarantee that a student will receive a seat in the desired course regardless of their position on the waitlist. Students may only waitlist for one section per course. Prior to the start of each semester, the option to waitlist will no longer be available and all pre-established waitlists will be terminated. Refer to the Academic Schedule  for specific waitlist deadlines. After waitlists are terminated and up to the end of the registration adjustment (Add/Drop) period, students can only register in courses with available seats. For more information, refer to the Registration website.

Students who add themselves to a class from a waitlist but subsequently decide not to attend that particular course must drop it from their timetable by making a registration adjustment within the deadline dates specified in the Academic Schedule.

Confirmation of Registration

During and after each registration session, students may confirm their course registration status by visiting MyMRU. It is the student’s responsibility to adjust their registration within the academic schedule timelines each semester.  If a student stops attending a course for which they are officially registered and does not take the proper steps to drop or withdraw according to established deadlines, they will be awarded a grade appropriate to their performance in the course. The University does not automatically adjust the registration of students who cease to attend classes and fail to follow appropriate procedures.

Audit Students

Auditors are students who have been granted permission in writing by a professor to attend lectures in a course on the understanding that they may not participate in assignments or examinations. Such permission will be contingent upon seats in the course being available. Auditors must present a signed registration form to the Office of the Registrar. Final permission to audit a course cannot be given until the day after the registration adjustment (Add/Drop) period when the space available in a course is known. Requests for permission to audit must be received by the end of the fourth week of classes in any semester. See the Fees and Deposits section for auditing fees.

A student is not permitted to change the status of a course after the Drop/Add deadline. That is, it is not permitted to change an audited course to a course taken for credit or vice versa. Audit courses will be reflected on the student’s permanent record with the symbol “AU”. The student may, in succeeding semesters, take any course for credit which has previously been audited.

Unclassified Students

An unclassified student is one who elects to take a single course and has not been admitted to a degree, diploma, or certificate program; Open Studies; or University Entrance Option. A student who has accepted an offer to or is a current/continuing student in a degree, diploma or certificate program, Open Studies or University Entrance Option is not eligible to register as an unclassified student.

An unclassified student will be able to register in one class that has an available seat and does not have a registration restriction. Unclassified students pay an Unclassified Registration Fee. Unclassified ‘status’ is only valid for one term. Unclassified students are not eligible for scholarships, bursaries, or awards through MRU or any part-time government funding.

Unclassified registration opens the first business day of the month that classes begin in a given semester (September [for Fall], January [for Winter], May [for Spring] or July [for Summer]) and closes on the last day of the Add/Drop period.  Students can register online or in person at the Office of the Registrar. Please refer to the Registration website for more information.

Maximum Student Course Load

Students may carry up to five courses (to a maximum of 19 credits) per semester, depending on the program of study. Registration limitations apply at the beginning of the Registration cycle; students are initially limited to 17 credits, with the limit being increased to 19 as of August 1 for the Fall semester and December 1 for the Winter semester. Students who seek permission for course overload should review their academic records with their program chair or academic advisor prior to registration.

Technology Enhanced Resources

Instructors may utilize Technology Enhanced Resources including but not limited to: web space, online simulations, software-based classroom response systems, and supplementary software assessment(s). When using Technology Enhanced Resources to assess student performance, the proportion of the course grade determined cannot exceed 35% of the final grade in the course. When using a Technology Enhanced Resource the following conditions apply:

  • Technology Enhanced Resources may be bundled with an e-textbook or a physical book. When these resources are bundled together, to which students might have access to other means, an option must be provided to students to allow them to purchase the Technology Enhanced Resource separately.
  • The maximum cost permitted per three-credit course for Technology Enhanced Resources is $125. The cost limit will be reviewed and adjusted accordingly on an annual basis.  Students must be made aware of the associated costs and technical requirements for the use of this technology prior to the first day of classes for each semester. This information must also be provided in the course outline.
  • Exceptions to the requirements listed above must be approved by the Dean.
  • In the event the Dean approves the use of a Technology Enhanced Resource over the annual cost limit, students must have the option of a no-cost alternative for assessment. The no-cost option must be equivalent in weighting, difficulty and time to completion. This information must be available prior to the first day of classes at the time of registration and must be provided in the course outline.

Change of Registration

Course Cancellation by the University

The appearance of a course in the schedule of classes does not guarantee that it will be offered. If Mount Royal cancels a course, all students in that course will be de-registered and appropriate refunds will be applied.

Adding/Dropping a Course

The courses for which a student is registered after the Add/Drop deadline constitute that student’s official registration and semester load. Students can add or drop courses up until midnight on the day of the Add/Drop deadline specified in the Academic Schedule. Students who do not officially drop a course will be considered registered in that course and will be charged full fees for that course whether they subsequently attend classes or not. Students who drop a course will receive a tuition refund minus applicable fees. There is no notation on the transcript for a dropped course.

Note: Students who add a course up to midnight on the day of the Add/Drop deadline are responsible for ensuring the difference in fees has been paid before the fee payment deadline.

Course Withdrawals

After the Add/Drop deadline and up until the Withdrawal deadline, a student can withdraw from any course online by visiting MyMRU or submitting a Withdrawal Form to the Office of the Registrar. Students who withdraw from a course(s) will see a “W” symbol on their transcript.  No tuition refunds will be granted for withdrawals. Students are advised that if a withdrawal results in a semester course load of fewer than nine credits, they may be ineligible for financial assistance.

Unless students officially withdraw, they remain registered in all courses and, at the end of the semester, are assigned the grades they have earned in each course. 

Any consideration for withdrawals after the withdrawal deadline must be supported by documentation from a physician or certified mental health professional. Students experiencing emotional distress are encouraged to contact Student Counseling before withdrawing from courses.

Withdrawal With Cause

Students who wish to withdraw from courses due to extenuating circumstances may apply to do so at any point during the semester up to the last day of classes. Supporting documentation from a physician or Registered Health Professional must accompany a Withdrawal with Cause request form for the request to be reviewed. Please refer to the website for more information. Students will be informed of the outcome of the review by email, and those who are granted a Withdrawal with Cause will see a “WC” symbol on their transcript. No tuition refunds will be granted for withdrawals with cause. Students are not eligible for a Withdrawal With Cause if:

  • The student has entered into an “I” (Incomplete) contract; or
  • Scheduled classes for the semester have ended.