Mar 12, 2025  
Draft 2025-2026 Academic Calendar Mount Royal University 
Draft 2025-2026 Academic Calendar Mount Royal University


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Academic Schedule

  • A calendar of important University dates such as the first and last day of classes, deadlines for payment of fees and the last day to withdraw from a course. Students are responsible for meeting all crucial deadlines in the Academic Schedule.

Academic Standing

  • Academic Standing in its various forms applies to all current Mount Royal students and relates to students’ eligibility to register in credit courses within a Mount Royal program and their eligibility to graduate from a program. The stages of Academic Standing are, in order, Good Standing, Academic Warning, Academic Probation and Required to Withdraw.

Academic Probation

  • A student is placed on Academic Probation when they have been on Academic Warning for two semesters and have a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) less than 2.00. A student will be permitted to remain on Academic Probation for one semester within a twelve-month period.

Academic Warning

  • A student is placed on Academic Warning when they have accumulated a minimum of nine earned credits and have a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of less than 2.00. A student will be permitted to remain on Academic Warning for a maximum of two semesters within a twelve-month period.


  • Acceptance of an individual who has formally applied for admission to the University and has submitted all required official transcript(s) and supporting documentation. Applications are evaluated according to admission policy and individuals may be admitted if they meet the admission requirements and the competitive admission standard for their intended program of study.

Admission Requirements

  • A set of specific (minimum) criteria that an applicant is required to meet to be eligible for admission.

Advanced Placement (AP)

  • The Advanced Placement (AP) Program offers college-level courses and exams that individuals can take in designated high schools through the CollegeBoard.
  • Courses may be used for admission and/or transfer credit purposes.


  • Faculty member or staff who helps students select their program of study and the specific courses that will satisfy graduation requirements for their program. Advisors have been assigned to each program the University offers. Students should keep their original advisor as long as they stay in the same program.


Alumni are individuals:

  • who have received degrees, diplomas, credit certificates, or high school diplomas from the University;
  • who have received designated credit-free certificates in the following programs: Funeral Director Extension Certificate, Herbal Therapy Extension Certificate, Massage Therapy Extension Certificate, Personal Fitness Trainer Extension Certificate, TVP Employment Preparation Extension Certificate;
  • who have successfully completed one full scholastic year (30 academic credits) of study at the university and one full year has passed since their last date of attendance; or
  • who are 18 years of age or older and previously attended the Mount Royal University Conservatory for a minimum of 6 years.


  • A request that a grade on a particular piece of work or a final standing in a course or program is changed on grounds related to the accuracy or fairness of the mark assigned.

Approved Option

  • A course relating to a student’s field of study must be chosen in consultation with and approved by the appropriate academic advisor.


  • Often referred to as an auditing student.
  • A student who pays to attend a credit class. An auditor does not receive credit for attending the course and is not allowed to participate in assignments or exams. To audit a course, students must have the permission of the instructor.


  • Are monetary and/or non-monetary awards that recognize a student’s achievement in a course or program that is not solely based on a GPA calculation or financial need.


  • Monetary awards granted to students on the basis of demonstrated financial need. Emergency bursaries are given to students as a result of urgent, unforeseen circumstances that result in immediate financial need.

Cognate course

  • A cognate course is a course from outside a defined discipline that complements and enhances the breadth of knowledge and skills found within the area of study. For example, the core requirements in the Bachelor of Science (Geology) include CHEM and COMP courses as well as GEOL courses. The CHEM and COMP courses are considered ‘cognate’ courses.

Community Service Learning Citation

  • Community Service Learning (CSL) citation demonstrates that a student has significantly integrated CSL into their post-secondary education by completing three designated courses (minimum of nine credits). The citation is noted on the transcript.

Continuing Student

  • A student who was enroled in one or more courses at Mount Royal University during the immediately preceding major semester (i.e., Fall or Winter). Students who attend the Winter Semester, miss the Spring Semester, and then return for the Fall Semester are also considered to be continuing students.


  • Continuance refers to a student’s eligibility to continue in a program of studies. Unless otherwise approved by General Faculties Council, a student in Good Standing is eligible to remain in their program.


  • The ceremony to celebrate with those students who successfully completed their program and satisfied the University’s graduation requirements. The convocation ceremonies are held in early November and early June.

Co-operative Education

  • Integrated academic study and alternating paid work terms available in a number of specialized disciplines.


  • Course(s) students must take at the same time they are taking other particular courses.

Course Load

  • The number of courses a student takes in a semester.


  • Credit weight reflects student workload rather than classroom contact hours. Normally, students are expected to devote nine to twelve (9 - 12) hours of academic time and effort per week for a three-credit course. Academic time and effort include class time (e.g., lectures, labs, studios, tutorials, etc.) as well as any experiential or blended components. In addition, all independent study (e.g., assignments, readings, preparation, study, etc.) is included. Courses are normally valued as three credits or multiples of three credits.

Deferred Final Examination

  • A student who is unable to write a final examination at the scheduled time may apply for a deferred examination. The authority to grant or deny a deferred final examination is vested with the Chair or Dean of the academic unit in which the course is offered. Refer to the Examination Policy and Deferred Examination sections under Academic Regulations.

Directed Field Studies

  • Integrate academic learning with paid work experience or self-employed businesses and may be included in the curriculum for applied baccalaureate degree programs.

Directed Readings

  • Special arrangement whereby students may pursue and receive credit in areas of study on an independent basis. See Directed Readings under the Course Description section for procedures and restrictions.

Disqualified Student

  • A student who is no longer permitted to attend Mount Royal University for a specified period of time. Students will be disqualified if they do not do well in their courses. The University transcript will carry a notation Required to Withdraw.


  • Frequently referred to as registration adjustment or change of registration.
  • Students may drop or add courses following initial registration. Courses that have been dropped do not show on a student’s record.


  • English as an Additional Language/ Learn English for Academic Purposes.
    Special English courses are offered to students who do not speak, read, or write English well enough to be successful in MRU credit courses. EAL/LEAP courses are offered through the Languages Institute. For further information call 403.440.5100.


  • A course that is not specified for a program but counts towards an applied degree, diploma, or certificate. While academic advisors may recommend certain courses to fulfill elective requirements, students may freely choose their electives.


  • The cost of specific goods or services that are required for the student to complete an approved program.

Fees - Mandatory Non-instructional

  • All students must pay for specific goods or services that typically enhance the student experience. They are not related to instruction in a specific program and are not optional. Examples: insurance, recreation and athletics, student services, etc.


  • A course that has had changes to the course number and/or prefix.

Full-time Status

  • For admission, registration and advising purposes, a full-time student is one who is admitted to a designated program and who enrols in three or more courses (normally a minimum of nine credits) in a semester.

  • For financial assistance, under The Province of Alberta Students Finance Act, and for fee assessment purposes, a full-time student is considered to be one taking at least three courses and a minimum of nine credits per semester for the Fall or Winter Semesters or at least two courses and a minimum of six credits for the Spring Semester. For Income Tax purposes, a full-time student must be enroled in a minimum of nine credits (excluding Audit courses and courses for which credit was granted by the prior learning assessment and recognition process) per semester.

  • For participation on a Mount Royal University Athletic Team, a full-time student must be enroled in at least three courses and a minimum of nine credits.

Good Standing

  • A student who has accumulated a minimum of nine earned credits, and has a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.00 or better is considered to be in Good Standing.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

  • The average of a student’s marks. The University does not use percentage grades for final marks; thus, each letter grade is assigned a number of points (i.e., A = 4 points, D = 1 point) so that the marks can be added together and averaged. For more information, see the Academic Status section.


  • A claim or complaint by a student that a University unit has reached a decision that is not in keeping with University policy or taken an erroneous action that adversely affects the student.


  • Sometimes called a faculty member or teacher.
  • A qualified individual who teaches at the University.

Interdisciplinary Program

  • An interdisciplinary program is one based on a combination and integration of courses and is comprised primarily of courses with the same discipline prefix but also includes cognate courses.

International Baccalaureate (IB)

  • The International Baccalaureate (IB) Program offers advanced courses that individuals can take in designated high schools developed by the International Baccalaureate Office, Geneva.
  • Courses may be used for admission and/or transfer credit purposes.


  • An internship is a paid work opportunity that allows students to put their academic education into practice.

Limited Enrolment Program

  • A program that only accepts a fixed number of entering students. Most programs at MRU have limited enrolment.


  • A course selected by the student from the list of courses available in the calendar. It counts toward an applied degree, diploma or certificate.


  • The award received for successful completion of the University’s graduation requirements for a baccalaureate degree, applied degree, diploma or certificate.

Part-Time Status

  • A student who is admitted to a designated program and who enrols in one or two credit courses (normally fewer than 9 credits) in a semester.


  • A request that a regulation be waived on compassionate grounds or because of extenuating circumstances (i.e., petition for readmission or against disqualification).


  • A course of study involving supervised practical work.


  • Course(s) that students must successfully complete prior to taking a higher-level course. Students who register in a course for which they do not have a prerequisite may be deregistered from that course.


  • An approved group of related courses leading to a baccalaureate degree, applied degree, diploma or certificate.


  • Progression refers to a student’s eligibility to register in a course. Eligibility is determined by, but not limited to, prerequisite/corequisites. A student ‘progresses’ through a program by successfully completing all requirements.

Re-Admitted Student

  • An individual who has previously attended the University and applies for re-admission following an interruption of their studies beyond the allowable absence period.


  • The process of enrolling in a course(s) for the purpose of completing an academic credential. Students must be admitted and/or adhere to academic standing guidelines to register.

Required Courses

  • Often called compulsory courses. Specific courses in a program that relates to the field a student is studying. Students may not substitute any other course for a required course without the written permission of the program chair. To graduate, students must complete all the required courses outlined in their program pattern.

Required to Withdraw

  • A student is Required to Withdraw from the institution for a minimum of twelve months when they have been on Academic Probation for one semester and have a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) less than 2.00. The University transcript will carry a notation Required to Withdraw.


  • Monetary awards granted to students on the basis of academic achievement and, in some cases, extracurricular activities.


  • Each academic year at the University is divided into periods of time called semesters. At Mount Royal, the Fall and Winter Semesters each last 13 weeks and are referred to as major semesters. Additionally, Mount Royal has compressed, 6.5-week Spring and Summer Semesters. Some courses may deviate from this standard. Students who attend the Spring and Summer Semesters receive the same number of hours of instruction for each course taken as in the Fall or Winter Semesters.

Student Loan

  • A government loan to help students pay for books, tuition and living expenses while attending a college, university or technical school. Students must start paying back their loans once they have been out of school for six months. See the Financial Aid section for more information. 


  • Sometimes called an academic record or student record.
  • A permanent record of all of a student’s courses, credits and grades. Transcripts are maintained by the Office of the Registrar and are only released upon written request by the student.

Transfer Credit

  • Courses completed at a recognized accredited post-secondary institution may be recognized as transfer credit if the courses are considered by the University to be comparable to credit courses offered at the university and if the courses satisfy graduation requirements for a Mount Royal University credential program. Transfer equivalencies (see definition) become Transfer Credit if the course satisfies a graduation requirement for the student’s program of study. ​

Transfer Equivalency

  • Courses completed at a recognized accredited post-secondary institution with a minimum passing grade will be evaluated for transfer equivalency. Although the course may not apply to the student’s current program of study, it may be used to determine eligibility to register in a particular course (prerequisite checking) and/or admission requirements. In addition, course equivalencies may be used in a degree audit to determine transfer credit for a student’s current program or used to perform hypothetical scenarios.


  • The cost of instruction for courses that are part of approved programs.


  • Students receive a “W” grade following official withdrawal from a course(s). Students who do not withdraw from courses using the proper procedures can be given an “F” grade in the course(s) even if they haven’t attended class.

Withdrawal with Cause

  • A student receives a “WC” notation on their transcript following official withdrawal from a course(s) due to special circumstances.  A student must apply for a WC and provide supporting documentation.

Work Experience

  • Integrated academic learning with paid work experience included in the curriculum and required for a number of baccalaureate degree programs.