Mar 12, 2025  
Draft 2025-2026 Academic Calendar Mount Royal University 
Draft 2025-2026 Academic Calendar Mount Royal University

Academic Status

Common Grading System

Percentages Alpha Grade 4.0 Point Scale Description
95-100 A+ 4.0 Excellent - Superior performance, showing a comprehensive understanding of subject matter.
85-94 A 4.0
80-84 A- 3.7
77-79 B+ 3.3 Good - Clearly above-average performance with knowledge of subject matter generally complete.
73-76 B 3.0
70-72 B- 2.7
67-69 C+ 2.3 Satisfactory - Basic understanding of subject matter.
63-66 C 2.0
60-62 C- 1.7
55-59 D+ 1.3 Marginal performance - Generally insufficient preparation for subsequent courses.
50-54 D 1.0
0-49 F 0.0

Fail - Assigned to students

a) who do not meet the academic requirements of the course, or

b) who cease to continue in the course, but do not withdraw as per MRU policy.

NOTE: All courses are required to follow the percentage to alpha grade conversion table for final marks.

Symbols (not calculated in Grade Point Average)

AE Aegrotat: The granting of credit for a course that has not been completed due to medical, emotional or other exceptional circumstances beyond the control of the student. (See the section below for conditions).

AU The AU symbol is given if a course is audited.

CR Prior Learning Credit: this refers to credit assigned through the Prior Learning and Recognition (PLAR) assessment process.

NC No Prior Learning Credit: this refers to credit not assigned through the Prior Learning and Recognition (PLAR) assessment process. Refer to the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition  policy and procedures in the Transfer Credit and Evaluation of Prior Learning section.

EF Experiential Fail: indicates unsatisfactory performance in an experiential learning course (practicum, fieldwork, internship, or clinical placement).

EP Experiential Pass: indicates successful completion of an experiential learning course (practicum, fieldwork, internship, or clinical placement).

I Incomplete: temporarily applied when a student has not completed semester work to the satisfaction of the professor and has been granted an extension to complete that work. (See the section below for conditions).

Q Unassigned Grade: an administrative code assigned by the Registrar’s Office in extenuating circumstances.

TR Transfer course: indicates that a course was taken at another postsecondary institution.

W Withdrawal: a student receives a “W” following official withdrawal from a course. (See the section below for conditions).

WC Withdrawal with Cause: a student receives a “WC” following official withdrawal from a course due to special circumstances. (See the section below for conditions).

The method by which professors arrive at the final course grades is left to their discretion. In different departments and within departments, different percentages might be required for a Satisfactory standing. However, the system used must be communicated to the students at the beginning of the semester and should be stated in the course outline for each course. Professors must convert their own methods for determining course standing to the official grading system when assessing final grades. The University will not undertake any official conversion or equation of letter grades with any percentage or other grading systems.

Conditions for “AE” symbol

The decision as to whether or not a student is eligible to receive an “AE” grade rests with the Dean based on the recommendation from the instructor and/or Chair.  All of the following conditions apply:

  • The request must be submitted within the 60 days after the end of the semester in which the course was taken;
  • The student has not completed the final exam or final assignment in the course;
  • The student has completed at least 60% of the course requirements;
  • In the opinion of the instructor, the student has met the learning outcomes for the course and would have passed the course if all course work and/or final exam had been completed;
  • The student is able to provide documentation to substantiate the grounds for an “AE” grade;
  • The student has not been awarded an “AE” grade in any previous semesters;
  • There are no other opportunities for the student to complete the missing work or examination; and 
  • In the case of professionally accredited programs, the awarding of the “AE” grade must not compromise the safety of persons or the integrity of the program.

An “AE” grade will not be calculated into the semester, program and cumulative grade point averages.  An “AE” grade will meet any minimum grade requirements for prerequisite, progression and graduation purposes.

Conditions for “I” symbol

The decision as to whether or not the student will be permitted to enter into a contract for the completion of a course rests with the professor or Chair. The agreement must be arranged prior to the deadline for submission of final grades and a copy of the agreement must be forwarded to the Office of the Registrar by the professor.

Course requirements must be completed within a maximum of 60 calendar days after the end of the semester.

The contract must indicate what the letter grade for the course will be if the student does not complete the coursework specified in the professor-student contract (i.e., the grade earned in the course to that date).

Unless the Office of the Registrar has been notified before, at the end of the 60-day period, the “I” symbol will be changed to a letter grade as determined by the professor, or, if the specified coursework has not been completed, the “I” will be changed to the grade indicated in the professor-student contract.

One extension of the “I” symbol contract for a maximum of 120 days can be made with the approval of the professor or Chair.  Any further extensions of an I-grade contract must be approved by the Chair and the Registrar.

Conditions for “W” symbol

A “W” symbol can be applied up to and including the withdrawal deadline as stated in the Academic Schedule.

Any consideration for withdrawals after this deadline must be supported by appropriate documentation.

Conditions for “WC” symbol

Students can apply for a “WC”, due to extenuating circumstances, at any time during the semester up to and including the last day of scheduled classes.

A “WC” will apply under the following conditions:

  • serious illness, verified in writing by a physician, or

  • severe distress in response to events outside of the student’s control, verified in writing by Registered Health Professional.

  • Other documentation may be accepted providing it verifies barriers to the student’s ability to complete the semester.

Except under exceptional circumstances, a student who has entered into an ‘I’ contract will not be eligible for a “WC”.

See Change of Registration  section for further information.

Removal from Experiential Learning course

At the professor’s discretion, a student in an experiential learning course (e.g., practicum, fieldwork, work experience, internship, co-op, or clinical placement) may be removed from the course at any point in the semester and assigned an “EF” grade, if the student’s academic performance directly or indirectly threatens the safety of others.

Grade Point Average

The Grade Point Average (GPA) is determined by dividing the total grade points earned by the number of credit hours attempted. The “AE”, “AU”, “CR”, “I”, “NC”, “EF”, “EP”, “Q”,  “W” and “WC” grades are not included in calculating the GPA. Academic upgrading courses (those numbered 0100- 0999) are also not included in calculating the GPA.

Example: Assume a student earns the following grades: Interior Design - A, Chemistry - B, English - C, Geology - D, German - F, Mathematics - I and Psychology - W.

Course Grade Points   Credits   Points  
CHEM 1201   B 3 x 3 = 9  
GNED 1401    C 2 x 3 = 6  
GEOL 1101   D 1 x 3 = 3  
ACCT 2121   F 0 x 3 = 0  
INDS 2144   A 4 x 3 = 12  
MATH 1224   I NA x 3* = 0  
PSYC 1104   W NA x 3* = 0  

        15   30  
Total Grade Points           30  
Total Credits*           15*  
Grade Point Average         = 2.00  

* “I” and “W” grades are not counted.

Cumulative GPA is calculated on all grades earned at Mount Royal.

Semester GPA is calculated on all grades earned in a given semester.

Program GPA is calculated on all grades earned for all courses required for graduation in a program of study.

Dean’s Honour Roll

A student who earns 12 or more credit hours in a semester at Mount Royal University with a GPA of 3.50 or higher will be placed on the Dean’s Honour Roll for that semester.

President’s Honour Roll

A student who earns 24 or more credit hours in an academic year at Mount Royal University with a GPA of 3.75 or higher will be placed on the President’s Honour Roll.

Repetition of a Course

Students may repeat any course. When a course is repeated, the original grade remains on the student’s academic record. Only the higher grade awarded is used to determine the cumulative GPA, eligibility to graduate and continuance as a student in good standing at the University.