Mar 12, 2025
Draft 2025-2026 Academic Calendar Mount Royal University
BIOL 1204 - The Evolution of Eukaryotes Credit(s): 3 Lecture Hour(s): 3 Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture Lab Hour(s): 3
This course follows BIOL 1202 and moves from an investigation of cellular biology to the mechanisms of evolution which has provided much of the diversity seen in modern eukaryotes. It will provide insight into the necessity and methods of determining evolutionary history using the major groups Protista, Fungi, Plants, and Animals. Evolution will be used as a context in which biological diversity can be explained.
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1202 with a grade of C- or higher. Note: Credit can only be obtained for one of BIOL 1204 or BIOL 1205 . BIOL 1204 is required for certain majors in the Bachelor of Science and the Biology minor. Students who are not in the Bachelor of Science or the Biology minor may instead take BIOL 1205 .
General Science Option