Mar 12, 2025
Draft 2025-2026 Academic Calendar Mount Royal University
ENGL 2294 - Analyzing Comics Credit(s): 3 Lecture Hour(s): 3 Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture This course analyzes comic books from a variety of different approaches including as a mass market cultural object shaped by contemporary events, audience responses, and the economics of its production. It will also look at the comic in terms of its relationships with other media including television, film, and the graphic novel.
Prerequisite(s): One of ENGL 1101 /GNED 1401 , GNED 1403 , GNED 1404 , CRWT 2268 , ENGL 1151 , ENGL 1152 , ENGL 2207 or ENGL 2263 . GNED Cluster 4 - Tier 3