Mar 12, 2025
Draft 2025-2026 Academic Calendar Mount Royal University
COMP 1701 - Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming Credit(s): 3 Lecture Hour(s): 3 Lecture Hours Schedule Type: Lecture Lab Hour(s): 1
Tutorial Hour(s): 1
This course provides an introduction to problem solving in the context of computer programming. The course emphasizes fundamental algorithmic solutions and implementation of those solutions using a practical programming language. Topics include data representation, program control, file handling and elementary data structures.
Note: This course is intended for prospective majors in Computer Information Systems or Computer Science. Credit will be allowed for only one of COMP 1001 , COMP 1501 , COMP 1615 , COMP 1631 , COMP 1701, COMP 2001 and COMP 2002 .
General Science Option